Quality Metrics
Existence Dimension
[exac] AccessDoes the meta data contain access information for the resources?
[exco] ContactDoes the meta data contain information to contact the data provider or publisher?
[exda] DateDoes the meta data contain information about creation and modification date of metadata and resources respectively?
[exdi] DiscoveryDoes the meta data contain information that can help to discover/search datasets?
[expr] PreservationDoes the meta data contain information about format, size or update frequency of the resources?
[exri] RightsDoes the meta data contain information about the license of the dataset or resource.?
[exsp] SpatialDoes the meta data contain spatial information?
[exte] TemporalDoes the meta data contain temporal information?
Conformance Dimension
[coac] AccessURLAre the available values of access properties valid HTTP URLs?
[coce] ContactEmailAre the available values of contact properties valid emails?
[cocu] ContactURLAre the available values of contact properties valid HTTP URLs?
[coda] DateFormatIs date information specified in a valid date format?
[cofo] FileFormatIs the specified file format or media type registered by IANA?
[coli] LicenseCan the license be mapped to the list of licenses reviewed by opendefinition.org?
Open Data Dimension
[opfo] Format OpennessIs the file format based on an open standard?
[opli] License Opennenesss the used license conform to the open definition?
[opma] Format machine readabilityCan the file format be considered as machine readable?